07 DE diciembre / 2021

The Uniqueness of a Job Well Done

The human history is filled with stories around how we crave for unique and exclusive things: from a beautiful stone with no worth but its glow, to the best clothes, the best car, and even, the best world we could live in, one we can be proud of.

It seems to be very difficult to reconcile those two worlds, one that appears to be futile, and the other one that it is supposed to be our biggest concern for it is our home, the only place that was given to us to thrive.

We have thought about it, we know that feeling very well. That is exactly why we came up with something that will weld those two sides very strongly: conscious harvesting. Therefore, the only possible result is a unique and exclusive product: the new organic sugar from Manuelita.

Let us explain. 

The Process

Good things take time. We take three years to produce a one-of-a-kind product that has been taken care of, has been cleaned from chemicals, and has been grown out of a non-waste process that allows us to curbthe overall residuals almost to zero.

We prepare the soil, use organic seeds, fertilize them, use other sugar canes to fix the atmospheric Nitrogen (which is organic certified), clean the soil from undergrowth, water the whole plantation until the 10th month… And that’s how you harvest in a conscious way.

Notably, it is a process that takes time, but we do it because we believe in quality and in a sustainable way of creating top-of-the-line outcomes. The protection and proper use of natural resources is in Manuelita’s DNA and that concern got us to have even been awarded for this endeavour.

In 2017, we were granted the Bonsucro International Certification which guarantees that every single process we carry on complies with the highest standards in three main components: social wellbeing, environmental, and economic, that in turn, lead the sustainability of our production.

The Environment

Environmentally, we take part in many different associations that observe the good using of rivers and the conservation of springs; we also developed a big project called Plan Maestro that aims to optimize the water use while watering the plantations, therefore, the leakage and the waste are greatly reduced. We also built a Bioethanol plant in 2006, a biofuel which replaced part of the composite of the regular gasoline, that as a result, reduces the greenhouse effect gasses. 

For Manuelita, renewable sources are a fundamental topic. Clean energy is our short, mid, and long-term goal. In the case of bio products, we have developed bold and robust projects that aim to produce biofuels and the cogeneration of electricity from biomass. Additionally, we kicked off the production of organic soil boosters, made from renewable sources, which are used to achieve crop efficiency. 

During 2019, Manuelita co-generated 142’978.218 KWh from the combustion of the resultant biomass from the sugar production process, hence, we give a closure to the life span of the cane. Furthermore, 64% of our energy generation was used for our self-supply needs and the other 36% was used for the national grid, delivering electricity to approximately 331.019 families per month.

But all of this would be impossible to achieve without our knowledgeable, professional, and well-trained staff. They are a fundamental part of our company. Thus, we have created a corporative strategy focused on one of our most important corporative values: Environmental and Social Responsibility.

The Well-being

These three main components named above were thought considering the great purpose we follow. We care about the wellness of our employees and their quality of life. And not only them, but we also help the communities in the territories we develop our cane production.

We have helped women entrepreneurs, strengthening their productive units which has helped them to increase their incomes. They have even become part of our supply chain. This initiative has produced around USD120.000 since it started, a figure that has greatly improved their quality of life and their children. (children´s)

This is a true premium product and not only an exclusive harvest, this is also about a conscious process around it.

Manuelita, growing goodness.

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